© 2024 Maia.
All rights reserved.

Our manifest

Save and organize

your files, documents, links and ideas directly in you WhatsApp, and ask them whenever you want. Don not spend time searching for them.
You just need to ask Maia!

Your files, links, notes and reminders organized in a few minutes with WhatsApp📁

Never forget important stuffs again

Those files and links you saved for later? Or that stuff you need to remember to solve tomorrow?
Maia reminds you!

Had an idea?

Take a note! After that, just categorize to find it easily again.

Free up space in your smartphone!

No extra apps needed. And everything is safe in the cloud.

Privacy and security

You can delete your conversation with Maia and you will not lose anything you saved.

Why does organization have to be complicated, boring or laborious?

We respect your time and freedom. We're not here to make you more productive or to tell you that. In our vision, this pressure makes no sense! We don't want to be a burden. We'd like to be the solution to allow you to reap the benefits day by day in a more organized way.

We've broken down barriers to promote this transformation.

WhatsApp is the most popular app in a lot of countries and it was the way we found to be with you. Maia is a contact on your WhatsApp to whom you send what you want in order to save for later. The difference is that it helps you organize and not forget. Just ask Maia! 😉

No pressure.

Maia is focused on learning and improving your experience as a customer every day. 💙

And we want to improve it with you!

We've created Maia thinking of you

We believe organization is for everyone! And therefore it should be simple and easy. Our purpose is to show that everyone can become the protagonist of their own life and have greater control of their time through just small attitudes, in a very simple way.

So your opinion is fundamental to this!

Use Maia and give your suggestions. We'll love to receive your feedbacks.

Save files and imagens

Take notes

Save links

Create reminders

and ask when you need them.

and much more.

for later.

so you do not forget anymore.

Take time for what really matters.

Let's build this path for a simple organization together?

Let's do it! 😎

Easy as texting. 💬

This is Maia! 😊

Scan the QR Code to start using


Tap to start using